225 60 R16 Tyres
Tyre Savings exists to get you value for money on 225 60 R16 tyres. Whether you need the best price, free local fitting, get tyres you want precisely where you want them, or need them installed fast - select the new 225 60 R16 below and make an appointment. When you're happy with your 225/60R16 tyres and the mechanic’s performance, just give your money to the installer, and you'll be good to go.
We feature these tyres to make your life easier.

225/60R16 102V XL
£74.28 + FREE Fitting
Great value PREMIUM

RainExpert 5
225/60R16 102W XL
£134.34 + FREE Fitting

Primacy 4+
225/60R16 102W XL
£184.40 + FREE Fitting

Setula W Race S130
225/60R16 102H XL
£74.28 + FREE Fitting

225/60R16 98H
£74.28 + FREE Fitting

225/60R16 102V XL
£74.28 + FREE Fitting

225/60R16 102V XL
£74.28 + FREE Fitting

225/60R16 98V
£82.80 + FREE Fitting

Ecsta HS52
225/60R16 98W
£97.92 + FREE Fitting

RainExpert 5
225/60R16 102W XL
£134.34 + FREE Fitting

SP Sport BluResponse
225/60R16 102W XL
£147.95 + FREE Fitting

All Season Contact 2
225/60R16 102W XL
£154.20 + FREE Fitting

Vector 4 Season G2
225/60R16 102W XL
£154.50 + FREE Fitting

EfficientGrip Performance
225/60R16 102W XL
£158.10 + FREE Fitting

Vector 4 Season Cargo
225/60R16 105/103H
£165.54 + FREE Fitting

CrossClimate 2
225/60R16 102W XL
£172.64 + FREE Fitting

Primacy 4+
225/60R16 102W XL
£184.40 + FREE Fitting

Agilis 3
225/60R16 105/103H
£187.20 + FREE Fitting

Agilis CrossClimate
225/60R16 105/103H
£188.15 + FREE Fitting