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Step 2 - Select Tyres
Step 3 - Choose Fitter
Step 4 - Confirm Booking

255 65 R16 Tyres

You will not find cheaper 255 65 R16 tyres anywhere. Tyre Savings aims to offer the cheapest price in the UK with any 255/65R16 tyres, plus free fitting. Just add the 255 65 R16 of your choice to your shopping cart and select a fitter who you trust to fit your new tyres. If they are happy with the same-day installation, you pay him and you're good to go. Why look elsewhere when you want tyres for your vehicle?

We found 4 matching tyres.



Run flat


Self seal

Vehicle type


255/65R16 109H


£68.93 + FREE Fitting


255/65R16 109H


£68.93 + FREE Fitting

Crugen HP71

255/65R16 109V


£98.34 + FREE Fitting

Wrangler HP All Weather

255/65R16 109H


£130.06 + FREE Fitting